Trucking News: September 3rd, 2024

California Trucking Association Ends Yearslong Legal Fight Against AB5 Law

The California Trucking Association (CTA) is halting its long-running legal battle against California’s AB5 worker reclassification law, which it argues improperly forces independent truck drivers into employee status.

After over four years of litigation, CTA CEO Eric Sauer announced that the group will not appeal a recent federal court decision that rejected their challenge to the law, Transport Topics reports. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals also denied their request to block the law’s enforcement.

Despite the CTA’s withdrawal, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), which had partnered with the CTA earlier in the case, has opted to continue its own appeal of the earlier rejections by both the district court and the 9th Circuit, OOIDA President stated, per Transport Topics.

More about AB5:

California’s AB5 Law Now Applies for Trucking: What This Means for the Industry

New Labor Rule Clouds Trucking’s Owner-Operator Model

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