Trucking News: May 28th, 2024

Repairs to I-95 Philadelphia Bridge Reach Completion, Open for Traffic

Last June, part of the I-95 Philadelphia Bridge was damaged, due to a tanker fire setting a blaze causing under the bridge on the northbound lanes to collapse. Damage also occurred on the southbound bridge.

During this time, a temporary six-lane roadway was used to help get some traffic flow back on the busy Interstate. Now, just under a year later, those temporary repairs have become permanent, and all lanes of traffic have been reopened.

New Colorado Law Impacts Truckers Left Lane Access, Expands Chain Usage

A recent Colorado bill will prohibit semitrailers from using the left lane when crossing into specific “high-risk” areas on I-70. The only exception is when truckers need to safely pass a vehicle driving under the posted speed limit.

Another provision in the bill expands the chain use required for commercial motor vehicles, in several locations in Colorado.

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