Trucking News: June 11th, 2024

Cross-Border: Mexico was the Top U.S. Trading Partner in April

In the month of April, data from the U.S. Census Bureau has Mexico as the top U.S. trade partner, with $72.5 billion in total trade. Imports saw $43.1 billion while exports saw $29.4 billion – Canada did top Mexico in the April exports category.

Nearshoring has become a popular topic as some U.S. companies have started or have been considering relocating their production and manufacturing operations to a country closer to their shipper.

Baltimore Bridge: Main Shipping Channel Fully Open

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced yesterday the main shipping channel through the Port of Baltimore is fully open. Removal of steel and surveying at and below the 50-foot mudline will continue, to make sure future dredging projects are not impacted, per the statement.

This is welcome news to shippers and industry stakeholders alike. Eleven weeks ago, the unfortunate collapse of the Baltimore Bridge caused a domino effect all throughout the region and beyond.

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