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What is a Freight Forwarder and How Do I Pick One (1)

What is a Freight Forwarder and How Do I Pick One?

There’s so many terms in the shipping world that it can seem like you’re staring at a bowl of alphabet soup. Carrier, NVOCC, freight forwarder, broker – what’s the difference? Commerce Express, Inc. is a licensed freight forwarder. If you

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5 Steps to Prepare Your Freight For Shipping

5 Steps to Prepare Your Freight for Shipping

It’s crucial to not overlook the importance of properly preparing your freight for shipment. Freight shipping is a multi-step process that includes document preparation, communication, and packing, and ensuring these steps are done correctly can save you a lot of

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Shipping Terminology (E's F's G's & H's)

Shipping Terminology E’s, F’s, G’s, and H’s

To help you understand terms used in the shipping industry, whether familiar or not, we created an index of sorts with many useful shipping terms. We hope that these aid you in communicating, interpreting, and managing your business. Exceptions: Notes made

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Shipping Terminology (C's & D's)

Shipping Terminology C’s and D’s

To help you understand terms used in the shipping industry, whether familiar or not, we created an index of sorts with many useful shipping terms. We hope that these aid you in communicating, interpreting, and managing your business. Carmack: An amendment

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