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How Much is Freight Growth Increasing?

Cass Information Systems released data showing that the freight industry is advancing at a scorching pace during the month of May. According to Freightwaves, the Cass Freight Index logged the highest-ever growth rates in the shipments and expenditures components of

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Driver Employment Making Strides Amid Pay Incentives

When the pandemic first began, travel restrictions led to a shortage of truck drivers, making driver employment decrease. Now, recruiting and retaining drivers remain one of the top priorities in the trucking industry. Diminished driver school graduation rates, early retirements

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Staying a Shipper of Choice During Tough Times

Since the pandemic began, space and availability are tight. Carriers are in high demand and now more than ever, have more options on the organizations that they work with. While shippers, are creating a variety of strategies to make them

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Canada’s ELD Mandate and Why It Is Important

Back in March of this year, Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced the rollout of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). There was not a clear reason why this rollout would be happening but expressed the need for them, due to the

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