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Reciprocal Switching: What Is It?

After President Biden’s executive order targeting the maritime and railroad industries, among others, calls for enhancing competition for shippers. One of the issues that the July order directs the Surface Transportation Board to examine is, reciprocal switching. What is Reciprocal

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Freight Rail Overregulation: What You Need to Know

Freight rail interests are calling upon federal regulators not to burden their industry with additional mandates, that they say could hinder investments for innovation. The Biden Administration (via executive order) recently charged the Surface Transportation Board to promote competition and

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Driver Employment Stagnant Even With Pay Hikes

Ever since the pandemic began, the shortage of truck drivers has increased. Many truck drivers who took an early retirement or left the industry due to the fears of contracting the virus, have yet to return. Low driver school enrollments

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Will U.S. Consumers slow down on Buying Goods?

With more Americans getting vaccinated and the economy reopening, many thought the boom of goods-buying during the pandemic would slow down, however, it seems as loud as it was last summer, with no sign that it will ease off any

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